Beliefs that hold us back


A belief is what we hold to be true for us- a rule for the world as we see it. They act as our permissors and prohibitors- i.e. they make it possible or impossible to do things Beliefs are also self-fulfilling prophecies- we will unconsciously and consciously manifest situations to confirm that which we already … Read more

Conditions for Lasting Change


Continuing the theme of change- if you ever find you are resisting change, or working with someone who seems to be ambivalent to change, check out that all the below conditions for lasting change are being met For change to happen the person wanting the change has to: Understand change is needed Want it to change Believe it … Read more

Change Working

Alan teaching class

Any change can be scary- even if the change is really wanted and we know it’s the best thing for us It’s like the smelly, battered tatty old shoes that we keep on wearing because they are so comfy – we know the new ones will nip for a while, so we may put off … Read more